Dr. Woode's Blog

Welcome to a space where health transcends the physical. Health is a complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. This blog is a vessel for Centered Living and Success, a sanctuary for my Triple E Formula for success: Education, Empowerment, and Encouragement. It is a canvas where we paint our lives through the lens of our perceptions. Together, we'll embark on a journey to uncover the balance that leads to holistic success, harness knowledge that informs empowered decisions, and share encouragement that propels us forward. In the words of Marianne Williamson, we are all 'powerful beyond measure,' and here, we shine our lights together, guiding each other towards a path of wellness and true fulfillment.

How to Prevent Relapse After Fasting and Stay Consistent with Your Health Goals appetite fasting food hunger journaling mindful eating stress eating

Maintaining those results is one of the biggest challenges people face after achieving success with fasting. It's common to see a drop in blood sugar, improved energy, and weight loss during a...

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Why Does My Weight Increase So Much After I Fast?! fasting food general health nutritian weight management

Grasping the complex mechanisms of how the body manages energy through glycogen storage and the accompanying water retention is fundamental for anyone delving into the nuances of dieting, fasting,...

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The Cheat Code to Mastering Your Blood Sugar: Insights from Our Latest Episode appetite fasting food hunger nutritian tool box


Hello, everyone! Dr. Dwain Woode here—yes, that's Woode with an 'E,' where the 'E' stands for Endocrinology. Today, I want to dive into some powerful insights from our recent...

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Could Fasting Be the Key to Unlocking Better Health and Longevity? diabetes fasting food general health nutritian pre-diabetes weight management


Fasting, the ancient practice of voluntarily abstaining from food and drinks for specific periods has roots in various cultural, religious, and health traditions. Fasting is...

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